What makes your heart sing?

So I know we’ve been talking about taking a step toward doing what you were called to do because you have a unique place in the Kingdom and God put unique gifts and talents inside you and He has a plan and a purpose for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). Today I’d like you to take […]

Be the Letter

So this week I just feel like the Spirit is moving and something new is coming. Not that there is truly anything new (the Bible says there is nothing new under the sun), but I just feel something fresh and different is coming. Maybe it’s a new opportunity, maybe it’s a chance to do something […]


So in keeping with our current theme this week, I wanted to share some thoughts on unity. I was reading the other day in John 17. This passage was Jesus’ prayer for the believers — both the believers of His day AND future believers which is US!!! Did you know Jesus prayed for you? In […]


So I’ve been reading through the story of Saul and David in recent weeks. And it was interesting because in the beginning Saul was this great guy and he was humble and feared the Lord. But somewhere along the way he started to see himself as in charge. Because we see by his actions that […]